Keen Designs Privacy Policy

Last Updated: March 28, 2023

The KDTagHelper, KDTagAVcon, KDTagHTrek, CEMCTag, KDTagAVC, KDTagGPS apps help users to communicate with others with a tag.

The policy also applies to ACCITour, AILock, AiLockpro, ARTour, CEMCTag, CalcMCV4U, CalcMCVLtd, LockCracker, LockLtd, StatsFixed, StatsSEVGames, VectMVLtd, VectorMCV4U, aWHunt, aWHuntltd, aWToggle Word Game, aWToggleltd, aWordable, aWordltd.

If you do not agree with the practices we have described in this Policy, please do not share your personal information with us. By sharing your personal information with us, including in a store, by reaching out to us by email or postal mail, or by accessing or using our Apps, you agree to our use of your information as described in this Policy.

Our Site is for individuals who are at least 13 years old

Our apps do not knowingly request or collect personal information from anyone younger than 13 years old without prior consent from a parent or legal guardian.

How we collect personal information

We collect personal information in various ways, both directly and indirectly. For example, when you send us postal mail, email our customer care team, place an order through PayPal, or provide information to one of our in-store team members, we collect your information directly. We may also collect your personal information indirectly through automated means, for example, when you interact with our Websites or use our Apps.

How we use personal information

We use personal information, including information that we combine from your interactions with our Apps, in-store, your device, or third parties, to conduct our business and to provide you with the best possible products, services, and experiences. We know your personal information is important to you, so we want to be transparent about how we use that information. Here the ways we use your personal information: